TV Drama

 Thursday 16th November 2023 

LO: to research the history, companies and regulators in the television industry 


publicly owned tv channel- public broadcasting, which receives government subsidies and usually doesn't have paid advertising interrupting the show and its for the benefit0 of the public 

commercial tv channel- a form of advertising that promotes services, ideas, individuals or organisation   

convergence- the process by which computer devices and digitalisation being together various media technologies 

watershed- a broadcasting watershed serves as a dividing line in a schedule between family- originated content, and content deemed suitable only for a more mature audience 

segmented market- audience divided into different groups depending on taste snd interests

mainstream- mass audience, the ideas, attitudes or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or conventional  

self regulating not regulated 

franchise- license from company of a product to use format/show/ideas

channel surfing changing frequently from one program to another on television 

tv licence- any household or business watching, recording live broadcasts 

scheduling- deciding which shows to show at which times 

conglomerate- a big company made up of smaller companies 

1. 26th January 1936

2. 3 channels

3. 22nd September 1955 and it had adverts

4. public service broadcasting 


TV audience 

LO- to explore how audiences consume TV dramas and the appeals 

ways people watch programs 






stream it 

reasons to watch live tv 

so u don't get spoilt 

we are now more active as an audience because theres more than one way to watch programs.


scheduling is therefore massively important to both BBC and ITV. competitive scheduling can benefit the main channels as it creates publicity.

peak viewing time is 6pm - 10.30pm

the watershed

the watershed alerts parents and carers that there will be inappropriate content 

sub drama

crime drama- white house farm 

period drama- Downton Abbey

teen drama- The Vampire Diaries 

medical drama- Chicago med

Thursday 11th January 2024

do now 

list everything what you know about the 60s

the troubles 

paul was born


lo- research the social, historical and political context of the avengers 

5 moments in 1960s 

Vietnam war- American involvement in the Vietnam War begins officially, as helicopters and four-hundred U.S. personnel land in Saigon. 1962.

JFK assassination- The Beatles arrive at New York City's JFK International Airport, receiving a reception from a mass of screaming fans. 

the troubles- troubles going on between catholic and protestants 

civil rights movement- Inspired by the civil-rights movement and the women's movement, early gay-rights pioneers had begun, by the 1960s, to build a movement.

first James bond movie came out 

1. Beatles

2. labour

3. Winston Churchill

4. yes

5. vietnam war 

6. still wouldn't be allowed certain in jobs and had most of the same rules

7. birth control 

key contextual areas 

1. concerns over the cold war 

2. threat of nuclear war 

3. espionage 

Thursday 18th January 2023

the avengers

1. ITV and LATER ITV and ABC 

2. the main target audience was a mainstream adult audience 

3. 7th January 1961

4. 6 seasons 

5. 21st April 1969

6. 56,000 per episode 

Patrick- John steed and Dianna Rigg- Emma peel 

was shown 9.05 on Saturdays 

. the narrative(storyline)

. the characters 

. how the episode shoes social and cultural context 

. audience appeal 

Thursday 29th February 2024

cutting on action - 

cut away- to show a different object or flashback 


they used graphic match in the scene between pub and the black smith this connotes that the the two scenes are connected and they know that the other persons Emma Peel 

they've used a sound effect used as soon as danger is near or coming 

Thursday 21st march 2024

do now 

gender- in the 60s women didn't have as much freedom as women do today.


multiculturalism- people of colour or different ethnicity were looked down and now they have more freedom 

Television in 2010s

lo- to explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on the effect on tv shows 


It was aired October 2015 

Broadcast 8pm on a Wednesday. peak viewing time. It was the one day when the schedule was not held up by Eastenders, putting extra pressure on the programme to deliver a large audiences. 

Pre-washed Cuffs targeted a broad family audience of 16-65, similar to that casualty and Water Loo Road. 

Thursday 18th April 2024 

Do Now 


gender equality

Audience appeal

LO: to analyse the appeals of TV drama 

Propp character 

which characters can we identify in each role 

how do the audience see our characters 

how can we Propp fit in a series as opposed to a film  

the hero- Ryan Draper

the villain- Chief Vickers 

the donor- Jo Moffat 

the helper- Lino and Donna

the princess- Arresting the criminal 

the princess' father- Station officer 

the dispatcher- Station officer 

the false hero- Jake Vickers 

Audience Appeal 

why might this program have appealed to the audiences at the time?

Think about the uses and gratification 

Personal identity- finding characters, ideas or values that you can relate to

Information- get information about stuff(news)

Entertainment- access for entertainment e.g. find something funny, like being scared, can be seen as a way of escapism  

Social interaction- watching something then talking about it with another person online or in person

personal identity- have a wide range of characters to identify with 

may be see characters like Ryan Drapper and Donna Prager 

information- the social realism offers a sense of informing the audience 

entertainment- drama, comedy, different narratives

social interaction- watching it and talking to people about 

 Cuffs and Social Contexts 

LO: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in cuffs  

1. stronger roles for women reflect gender equality? women are being able to be main characters

2. a change in attitude towards masculinity. differently male roles presented in a positive light. they can be openly gay 

3. traditional 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities no longer reserved for particular genders? Felix has feminine qualities and females can be police officers which would of been known as a masculine job  

 Thursday 25th April 2024

Cuffs & Social Content 

LO: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in cuffs 

Jake- him being gay doesn't effect his masculinity for example when he does more masculine things like punching the racist man. people are far more excepting about sexualities 

Felix- he's presented as a isolated character as he always works alone 

Ryan is a mixture of both masculine and feminine for example a feminine thing that Ryan has done is being a single parent to his daughter and taking care of her and a masculine thing is him being in a car chase. 

we can see in the episode that you can tell that it is multiculdturaled because the cast are all from different cultured backgrounds. but racism still exists in Britain as you can see in the episode that a man was stabbed for having a different ethnicity. 


2. jakes face

3. raiding the house 
