music magazines

 Monday 13th march 2023

The Music Industry: Music Magazines 

LO: to explore the magazines industry ownership, regulation and revenue. 

Conglomerate: A media conglomerate, or a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, is something that not many people even know of, but it is crucial in understanding where your news is coming from.

large company owning smaller companies 

Globalised:As the names suggest, media globalisation is the worldwide integration of media (all print, digital, and electronic means of communication) through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. Technological globalisation refers to the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. 

internal product/ business 

Diversify:where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms (e.g. a TV company moving into film production).

regulation: blocking and monitoring media products 

revenue: income of company-money 

circulation: amount of copies mag distributed 

Whats on tv? Future PLC

Radio times- Immediate Media Company 

Tv choices- H. Bauer Publishing 

Take a break- Bauer Media Group

Good housekeeping- Hearst communications

Glamour- advance publications 

inside soup-  Hearst 

1. Bauer



Thursday 23rd March 2023

LO: to explore how representations are constructed in music videos 

Traditional gender stereotypes 

male: no emotion, physically strong, hard working jobs 

women: caring, house cleaners, petite, sensitive, emotional 

objectification: the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object 

sexual objectification: its when a male/female views another male/female primarily an object of a sexual desire   

How have the following been represented in the video :

Avril Lavigne was represented as naughty and a troublemaker 

Punk rock genre

Teenagers were represented as to breaking the law and being troublemakers

Urban Setting is in the city 

Gender is represented as 

Ethnicity represented as white 

Sexuality  represented as

the band- they have been made to look like teens 

the male and female protagonists- f- pretty and popular m-is lonely 

Ethnicity- white


teenage stereotypes- there were different types of people like in an american high school

gender- some where stereotyped some where not

sexuality- straight 

Monday 22nd May 2023

music magazine genres 


bright colours- upbeat, bright makeup and outfits

Image of a solo person, mid shots and close shots happy 


black, whites, greys and reds 

most people in the magazines are in a group



most of them are solo artists 

red, blues, white, black, yellow 

Genre and Target Audience 

LO: to identify the target audience for a variety of music magazine genres and link genre codes  




where they're from 


2. cover could appeal 





people on the front

demographics look at the factual data like age gender, marital status and income.

psychographics look at the lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes.

the dark colours, black,white, red and grey all suggest anger, showing us that its a rock magazine, the facial expressions also shows that they are being loud, screaming and shouting appealing to the younger audience as they are stereotypically loud

15-34 year olds is the average age to get a job and earn a lot of money, meaning that classical appeals to their main target audience, most of their target audience is male meaning high income in males

Monday 12th June 2023

text- the test used on the front cover is a serif font with script built into the font shows very elegant and high educated people and shows wealth and care free people. this reflects on highly educated audience and reinforces the idea of tradition musical values, making music. the elegant font is trying to appeal to people who enjoy reading music  

lexis- words like brilliant, exciting and power are very powerful words showing the power in music and the power of her. this appeals to the audience  because


colour- blue, red, white, pink, green, black

the blue and red represent the uk, this shows that the audience likes uk bands. the text used are a san serif, this shows that its a modern magazine and that attracts younger audiences.

Monday 26th June 2023



1. ofcom


3. ASA

4. IPSO and impress 

5. Video standard council  


media language 

mise en scene 




 The Mise en scene differs, in the teenage dirtbag music video it was set in a school and they wore Americanised clothes, to show that this is set in an American school setting. In Sk8er Boi the setting is in a car park, with muted lighting, they wear emo style clothes, to show the rebellious nature of the music video. 1    


in radio live lounge their target audience is 15-29 year olds they have to follow this because of the radio 1 remit, and the ways that they keep up with following the remit is doing different activities and playing certain music aimed at there remit target audience. radio 1 is a psb radio station so it is funded by the public, one way they are target is by playing different fitting songs that target their audience. 


one reason a film company would link a film to a video game is to make more money and to give the audience more opportunities to expand their love for the film  


Use of gratifications(PIES)


personal identify 


social interaction 

One way the lego movie uses gratifications is through personal identity, this is shown through the use of characters. in the lego movie there is a bunch of different characters that all have different meanings and has a use for each person, like wyldstyle is aimed at teenage girls and probably relates to some of them 

Tuesday 12th September 2023

music industry: q1 and q2

lo: to understand exam style questions and practise exam technique 

1. ofc

2. bbc

3. for the benefit of the public 

4. convergence 

5. diversification 

6. conglomerate 

radio producers target audiences because they have the responsibility to produce an output for a range of audiences. bbc radio 1 use the live lounge to target young audience that uses social media by advertising the sessions on their website.

Tuesday 19th September 2023

Do now 

What is the theory of uses and gratification?

P- female role model, sophisticated 

I- reviews of music, exclusive interviews 

E- CD free,music 

S- reviews, CD

Music Industry: Q2

LO: to understand exam style questions and practise exam technique 

the free cd attracts the audience because they get to listen to music they haven't heard before.

Music Videos

Teenage Dirt Bag

narrative linear played by actors

american school- high school. gym, hallways, stairs, outside spaces, dance,prom, casual clothing

representation- bully, 'jock', nerd,loser, popular girl

lighting- natural but inside dull

Sk8er Boi

narrative- performance 

american city- urban-skyscrapers, buildings, abandoned buildings 

representation- white, more males surrounding her, friends, challenges gender stereotype,she's in charge 

rebellions- punk, rock, gothic, partying in street, standing on cars, grafiti  

lighting- over saturated, bright

media language:

Mise en scene



Camera shots and angles


The different settings between Teenage Dirtbag and Sk8er Boi are that in Teenage Dirtbag the narrative is based in a hight school and in Sk8er Boi is is set in the streets with cars and lots of abandoned buildings. 

Tuesday 26th September 2023

do now

1. Ofcom 

2. BBC

3. for the benefit of the public 

4. convergence

5. diversification 

6. conglomerate 

Music Industry: Q3

LO: to explore exam style questions and practise exam techniques 


tuesday 10th october 2023 

do now

1. what is mise en scene? clothing makeup and props 

2. what is editing? how videos are put together

3. what is camera work? how a video is recorded, camera shots, angles and movement used 

4. what is sound? the noise and music, non diegetic sound, diegetic sound, ambient sound

5. what is narrative?linear story, performance story non linear narrative

diegetic sound- anything characters can hear

non diegetic sound- only the audience ca hear 

lo: to explore the exam style questions and practise exam  techniques for q4 focusing on media language and representation 

q4- representation of the musician-

how are they presented?

The representation of mojo magazine cover is that a musician who has a mysterious dark past. This is clear because its in black and white which shows that its classic and mysterious 

the representation of age in the mojo magazines is that is a older male who is represented as serious and confident. we can see this through his glare, how he's standing and the colours red white and black.

Halloween 31st October 2023

Do Now 

1. what is a shot type? types of shots/angles you do for movies 

2. what is type face? a particular type of lettering 

3. what is a colour palette? types of colours on a palette

4. what is lexis? a name the words that are used in a cover line 

5. what is a masthead? a big subtitle 

lo: to explore the exam style questions and practise exam technique for Q5 focusing in media language and representation 

15 marks

 judge + conclusion 

context- what is going on in the world at the time. gender, sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity, consumerism   

1. cluttered 

2. gives the audience loads of information and a lot to look at 

3. saturated 

4. the choice of colour suggests that is up beat music and happy colours 

1.  its an ordered magazine 

2. gives the audience a easy and simple bit of info

3.  its an muted magazine 

4. the choice of colour suggests that its calm 

1. mostly san serif font on the front cover

 san serif shows that its bold, modern and could show confidence of the singer. this tells the audience that there is more modern music 


Tuesday 7th November 2023

do now

1. babyboomer generation - a person born in the years following ww2

2. diversification - the process of varying products 

3. audience address - how the texts speaks to the audience 

4. discerning- having or showing good judgment 

5. house style  - a companies way to layout information 

lo: to explore the exam style questions and practise exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

15 marks = 15 minutes 

how far...

opinion and why


Life at the time 

changes in gender roles


celebrity cultures


medium long shot 

David Bowie 

pink purple white feminine 

the beetles, the byrds, Wayne Kramer, millie jackson 

this saturated colour palette suggests that the magazine isn't boring, its fun exciting and doesn't depend on gender 

Tuesday 21st November 2023

do now 

1. a type of media text 

2. when the conventions of one genre are allude to in another, or when a specific reference is made in media text

3. type of letters, font, size

4. suggested meaning

5. words

music industry -Q5 

LO- to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video 

media language: test, images, cover lines, colour, layout

1. shot type - close/mid shot 1 person, female, young. revealing clothes, gloves, gold headress =wealth, power throne - kind/queen , pop royalty 

2. colour palette, gold/brown, black, yellow, white. saturated, bright, warm positive/ happy/relaxed 

3. layout- order 4 cover lines formal organised 

4. type serif large lower case shows modern clean possibly rebelling  

1. 11 images, group- Beatles, male, suits- power formal, not serious, non sexualised , low angle, looking up shows 

2. saturated, bright, multicoloured. psychedelic- reflects 1960s, fun, exciting 

gold- classic clam fun 

3. cluttered 11 cover line, fun full of info/exciting 

the media language in the two magazines  are different because the first magazine was just one person who is young and wearing revealing clothes and the seconded magazines main cover image was four older men who were wearing non revealing clothing. Both magazines are bright and saturated but mojo is multicoloured which reflects the psychedelic 1960s era. in the billboard magazine Shakira

Tuesday 28th November 2023

The media language is used differently in the two magazines covers, because of generic conventions of the magazines and the audience appeal. The mastheads on the two magazines clearly different. Billboard uses lowercase letters, yellow, san serif type. The use of lower case gives a sense of informality and rebellion as it refuses to use a capital  letter for the name of magazine. The use off yellow gives a happy and positive mood to the cover. The use of san serif font gives off a modern clean informal feel to cover and magazine, the masthead therefore appeals to the audience by giving and overall youthful and up  to date version of music.


  1. 19/9- You have some great notes from this lesson T: put these into full sentences to answer Q2.


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