Lego Movie

Thursday 8th September 2022

LO: to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie.

characters: Emmet, Batman, Wonder Women, wildstyle, Lord Business, Vitruvius, Superman, Harry Potter 

Lego places:co co land 

Thursday 15th September 2022 

Emmet (Chris Pratt), an ordinary LEGO figurine who always follows the rules, is mistakenly identified as the Special, an extraordinary being and the key to saving the world. He finds himself drafted into a fellowship of strangers who are on a mission to stop an evil tyrant's (Will Ferrell) plans to conquer the world. Unfortunately for Emmet, he is hopelessly and hilariously, unprepared for such a task, but he'll give it his all nonetheless.

Industry research

Lo:To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry 

In the film industry what is meant by production, distribution and exhibition?

Production: The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props.

Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.

Film exhibition refers to public screening of a film and involves the ownership, management , and running of movie movie theatres.

who regulates the films in the uk?

The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British board of a film classification . The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

What age rating did they give the lego movie in the uk?


Who directed the lego movie?

Phil Lord and Chris Miller 

What company produced the lego movie?

TT vution 

Thursday 22nd September 2022

The lego movie: industry research 

lo: to research the process companies and regulators behind the film history


. Regulators are usually industry bodies that do one of two things:

1. classifies products (normally by age rating)

2. Ensures content of products meets acceptable standards  

1. Why is it important that film regulation to exist?

The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release. The BBFC uses published Classification Guidelines for certain age ranges, ensuring that the content of the film is age appropriate and that children or young people do not see films that are unsuitable for them.

6. why was it important for the game to receive a 7 age rating?

Because its for kids

The lego movie: Narrative Theory 

LO: to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to The Lego Movie    

Postmodern films often contain the following characteristics:

.Challenges genre conventions:might be a mixture of many genres; challenges typically character roles etc. 

.Pastiche:imitates other texts, humorous take on society/culture  

 .Hyper-reality:makes audience aware that they are watching a movie

Explain how the lego movie is a postmodernist film.

The Lego Movie is a postmodernist film because it contains challenges genre conventions:might be a mixture of many genres; challenges typically character roles etc, pastiche:imitates other texts, humorous take on society/culture and hyper-reality:makes audience aware that they are watching a movie. 

equilibrium: emmet wakes up and just has a normal life 

disruption:when emmet falls in to the hole 

Thursday 6th October 2022

Lego Movie: Target Audience 

LO: to identify the target audience using demographics & psychographics 

The movie targets a family audience.

that could be split up into 3 groups:

young kids who like to play with lego

parents who played with it when they we younger 

young adults cinema-goers 

Young kids who play with lego- because its more animated, bright colours, unicorn thing 

parents who played it when they were young- dark humour, based on the matrix

young adults- super hero 


What are the building blocks of success? 

What did lego do right?It would have been easy for Lego to make a piece of nonsense that played well for kids, but instead the company brought in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller to create a genuinely funny and clever movie.

How has it laid the foundations for future success?

because kids get attached and buy a dvd so they can re-watch it. 

The Lego Movie: Marketing 

What is tent-pole production? In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network.

Why was The Lego Movie one?

What are the benefits of that for warner bros?

Thursday 11th October 2022

The Lego Movie: Marketing 

LO: to explore marketing & promotion of The Lego Movie; to link methods used to target audience

billboards, trailers, posters, adverts, social media, cinema, busses

17 different lego world sets 

16 collectables mini figures 

The lego movie video game




links with global partners/brands 

Each week in January 2014 the released new character posters 

lego stores scheduled linked events  

McDonalds happy meals 

a website enabled fans make versions of there selfs

What do tv trailers normally show?

They show parts of the movie 

How are they different to the theatrical trailers?

when would you show The Lego Movie adverts 

on itv at 18:30pm

In dancing on ice at 19:27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014 five days before it was released

The Lego Movie went viral

The Lego Movie isn't just a movie about a child wanting to play with his father's toys — in fact, that part of the plot isn't revealed until the end. The movie jumps in pretty quickly to a good-versus-evil plot and one that goes beyond that of childish good guy v

Thursday 3rd November  2022

1. because they want to attracts kids 

1. emmet watching tv at home 

2. president lord business saying they'll get put to sleep if you don't follow the instructions 

3. when emmet says did he say get put to sleep

4. the rest of the trailer is the attempt to solve the disruption 



3. shows us that they are the good people 

1. makes us understand whats going on and to watch it more because they are funny 

2. makes the movie seem more intense and interesting and not boring 

3. makes the movie seem more effective and makes it enticing, exiting 

1. makes it more exciting and wont get bored easily because its quite short and snappy 

2. kids are of half term so more people will watch it 

3. it uses a dramatic points so the audience can take in whats happening 

1. it makes the story seem adventurous because theres different locations 

2. its very bright and attracts kids to watch it 

3. there personalities and characteristics  

Thursday 10th November 2022

Explain how to lego movie trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different audience 

In the lego movie trailer one element is sound. For example it uses dramatic sounds to explain to the audience whats happening. They use editing in the lego movie trailer hey make the segments short to hold the attention span to little children, and also they advertised it in the half term. 

The Lego Movie: Video Game 

1.Who was the game developer? TT Fusion 

2. Who is the game publisher? Warner Bros 

3. When was it released? February 7th 2014

4. What genre game is it? action adventure 

5. what platforms was it released for?  Xbox 360, Xbox one, playstation 3, playstation

6. What game modes does it have? multiplayer 

Five examples of resent film/video game releases.


Harry Potter

Star Wars


Lord Of The Rings

Profit maximised- increases potential audiences

Familiarity- brand, plot and character known

Uses and Gratifications

 Entertainment because that whats the point of playing cause you get nothing out of it then

Thursday 17th November 2022

Denotation is literally what you see
Connotations is what the image means

connotations-colour palette suggests that it is dangerous
its a bit chaotic because of the back round  
it makes him look a bit intimidating because of the low angles, the colours and the light around him 

On The Lego Movie Game cover, the colour palette makes it looks exciting, the bright colours would connote fun and excitement and appeal to kids.
I would say this game is aimed at both boys and girls, because boys might likely relate to Emmet likely relate to Emmet and emo girls might relate to Wyldstyle. This would appeal to teenagers because the genre is action and adventure. The spanner in The Lego Movie video game connotations of creativity and building stuff yourself..

In The Lego Movie poster, they have images of many superhero's all over the poster. This would appeal to to many adults (parents) because they would of watched superhero movies and books when they were younger, like when the first Batman movie came out in the late 80s, they would have remembered when they were younger.

On this LM poster there is loads of action going one because of the facial expressions like Emmets, Emmet looks terrified and he's running for his life but the others all look like they want to fight of Lord Business in the back going after them. I think this would appeal to teenage boys and adults.

My last point on the LM poster is wyldstyle and i feel like she's bringing into the female teenage audience 

Thursday 1st December 2022


INITIAL RESEARCH: good notes THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified one different element and explained the appeal EBI: do two more POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: try to use the terms connotes/connotations and finish the last point! 

3. Use the PEEL chain to structure your analysis 

Thursday 8th December 2022
LO: to analyse the representations through out The Lego Movie promotional campaign 

1. Caitlin is a girl who is bisexual she is a very sweet person and wouldn't hurt anyone 
2. Ruby- she is a popular beautiful girl, she can be a bit chavy but over all a really nice person. she is african american. Her mum passed when she was born.
Amelia- She is best friends with ruby and caitlin, she moved down from Scotland with her mum and step dad0 
Cody- Cody is a popular but quite kid. He is a football player and is half cast  
Theo- Theo is Ruby's boyfriend for 6 months they met whenTheo moved down from London to Manchester 2 years ago.

1. she has long her, makeup and freckles 
2. she looks angry and aggressive, she's running and looks like she is ready to have a scrap and she's wearing a tracksuit 
3. it shows that you don't have to follow stereotypical gender category 
wyldstyle in the lego movie trailer in represented as challenging female stereotypical  
Age is the lego movie is represented by showing wrinkles and grey hair 

Thursday 5th January 2023

uk regulators:
film- BBFC
tv&radio- OFCOM 
advertising- ASA 
magazines&newspapers- IPOS
video games- GRA 

Thursday 19th January 2023

Question 6

For Q6 i need to revise the name of the people who made it

Question 7

i need to read the bullet points to answer the question 

target for Q7 is to write something down even if its wrong 

Question 8 

My target is the same as Q7

Question 9

my target is that i need to make points and revise and to write something even if its wrong 

Q9. Analyse representations of gender in The Lego movie poster campaign.

I feel like in The Lego Movie they made it stereotypically what men are suppose to be like for example in the LM poster all the men apart from one look very masculine. Out of all the men Emmet is the only one who doesn't fit the stereotypical type for men because in the poster he is the only one that looks frightened. But the women in the LM are not how people would stereotype for a women to be like, because when u see Wyldstyle she is not the what a lot of people would say un feminine cause of her emo look.




  1. INITIAL RESEARCH: good notes

    THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer

    WWW: you identified one different element and explained the appeal
    EBI: do two more

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: try to use the terms connotes/connotations and finish the last point!


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