
 Tuesday 9th January 2024

1. to inform and entertain the public 

2. talking to people 

3. printing press

4. tv 

5. hard news

owner ship of news 

lo: to explore the nature and ownership of the news industry 

1. media barons owned by Rupert Murdoch - The Sun, The Times, The Sun On Sunday 

2. trust is a legal arrangement to manage the control of running a news paper- Scotts trust guardian media group

3. cross-media converged conglomerates

they're main aim is to make profit 

it impacts the audiences as they are only reading and talking about popular news 

. Over three quarters of British press is owned by a handful of billionaires. over a quarter of the press is owned by Lord Rothermere and 24.9 per cent by Rupert Murdoch between them these two men have over 50 percent of the printed press 

. Newspapers and their online publications are not legally obliged to provide an un-biased public information service 

this impacts attitude and opinions because people will be made to believe things that they want them to believe, it persuades people to do what the owners of the newspapers want to do 

mail* 39% DMG Media Ltd

sun, time* 28% News Corp 

star express* mirror, people, daily record* 16% Reach

telegraph 5% Telegraph group 

guardian observer* 2% guardian media group  

Tuesday 27th February 2024 

do now- 

1.the visual style of text 

2. the arrangement of different elements     



Tuesday 5th March 2024

1. a link to appropriate sections  


3. make up for text that is pulled from the text 

4. the summary paragraph 

5. the title of the newspaper 


. lack of gender equality 

. fear of invasion- cold war - conflict between the United states and the Soviet Union 

. Vietnam war- protest to stop the war 

. civil rights- US+UK. Martin Luther King 

. protesting - racial equality 

. racism in society 

. patriarchal

. labour- people in power  

Tuesday 12th March 2024

do now 

list things that happened in the 60s 

vietnam war

the troubles 

first man on the moon civil rights 

JFK inauguration

JFK assassination

cold war 

coloured tv

gender inequality- move for more equality  

racial equality 

explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which were published. refer to the observer front page from 1960s that you have studied to support your answer. (10 marks) 

this clearly indicates that in society in the 1960s we saw more inequality of women. back then they were known for wives and mother and in magazines they were being sexualised by wearing lingerie.

Tuesday 19th March 2024
do now 
1. it would have lots of writing and less images compared to todays newspapers 
3. in the 1960s observer front cover there are 9 plus stories on the first page 
Exam Format 
lo to explore the exam format and content for the news unit 

how the observer is funded? issue price, advertising, subscriptions 
owned by Scott trust 
regulated by ISPO (or impress)

there further tests your understanding of the newspaper industry. you should include real examples from the Observer and other news industry knowledge to support your answer. 
the exam guidance suggests that this may be about social media and industry although you should prepare for a range of questions.
they ask about:
online diversification- advantages etc.
use of social media 
newspaper funding - print and online 
hard vs soft news- print and online 

people still reply on newspaper if they cant access the internet 
the older generation prefer print 

this question will ask you to analyse the unseen extract in your exam insert. it is likely to be an observer front cover. the analyse is likely to be on representation and will want you to use examples from the extract and media terminology  

the front page represents two social groups that are often under- represented in the media the first one is women this group is represented as strong determined, independent, in control, feminine in her appearance. the second one is Allan Davies, he's revealing his and sharing his emotional story.

analyse the representations of gender in extract 3, a tweet of the observer front page. give two examples from the extract

in this question you will be rewarded for drawing together elements from your full course of study

Tuesday 16th April 2024 

LO: to reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve. 

do now 
1. LIAR- language, industry, audience, representation
2. cold war 
3. ukraine and russia  

question 7- 
reasons why online media are hard to regulate-  one reason why online media is hard to regulate because the head office of company may not be in our country , therefore 
it changes quickly and it is hard to keep up with so people can share what they like 
location of head offices will impact regulation, such as netflix because it isn't our country 

question 8

analyse two ways the media language on this observer front page follows the conventions of 'broadsheet' newspaper. 

question 9

how far are the representations typical of The Observer?

the observer left wing.. liberal, progressive, equality, serious news, fights for those without power or voice.
audience like food and culture- music, books, films, art 

introduction- the representation are typical of this observer newspaper,  that reflects their liberal view point. we can see this the photo of Serena Williams and Andy Murray, the photo suggests that there is equality within the newspaper, its a photo of a boy and a girl playing sport together, this shows that the observer is supporting equality, which is typical representations of an observer newspaper.

Tuesday 30th April 2024

do now

red and white, minimal writing, celebrities, gossip 
black and white, loads of writing

Q10 modern analysis 

lo: to explore the contextual issues of news in modern newspaper 

this observer broadsheet looks like a broad sheet because it has 3 columns of texts 

 explain how social culture context influence print newspapers today. refer to examples from the observer to support your answer.

gender equality 
racial equality 
attitudes towards sexuality 
support positive  mental health 

1. Allan Davies, talking about his families darkest secrets 
3. women main image- shows gender equality 
4. middle eastern foods, shows multiculturalism  

6. sky box has LGBTQ+ book and shows the that the observer supports pride month 

the observer cover from today depicts the contextual issue of multiculturalism which is present in our lives. we see this newspapers with people from different ethnic backgrounds featuring in stories and foods recipes. this indicates that in todays society we value  



  1. 7/2- absent, please complete reading through the lesson that you have missed and have a go at the tasks.

  2. 23/4- absent from the lesson, please read through the lesson on Q9, read the models and attempt a Q9 response.


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